About the author

J Alan Erwine was born in Akron, Ohio at the end of the 60’s, as can probably be seen in his writing. He currently lives outside of Denver with his beautiful wife, one of their wonderful daughters, two crazy cats, and a turtle, who pretty much keeps to himself.

J has sold more than 60 short stories to a variety of markets. He has had numerous short story collections published, as well as three novels. Much of his writing is now dedicated to writing for his Solar Federation series, and The Divided States of America series published by Nomadic Delirium Press.

J is the co-designer of the Ephemeris Science Fiction Role Playing Game. He is also the creator of the games The Battle for Turtle Island and Rocks on the Other Side.

As an editor, J has edited more than a dozen books, and many more magazines, and has done freelance work for such publishers as ProMart Publishing, Sam’s Dot Publishing, and Nomadic Delirium Press.

J’s website can be found at http://www.jalanerwine.com

His Patreon page can be found at https://www.patreon.com/jalanerwine

To donate to his cause, go to: http://paypal.me/JErwine