Yours, Isaac Asimov

Many people feel that you can get to know an author by reading their fiction, and this is most certainly true, but reading memoirs or letters that the author wrote is also a great way to get to know the author…maybe an even better way, as you’re seeing them for themselves, rather than the fiction that they’re creating. Contrary to popular belief, not every character in a story is some part of the author’s psyche, and not every story is the author trying to get their point across about something that they believe in. Sometimes we write stories or create characters because those are the stories or characters that come to us.

Anyone that has read my work has to know that Isaac Asimov was a huge influence on me…probably the biggest influence, especially in my earlier work. One reviewer once made a comment that my work was reminiscent of the classics without the scientific clunkiness that their work now seems to have. So, when I had a chance to pick up this book and read letters that were actually written by Asimov himself, I had to jump at the chance, and I was not disappointed.

These letters will give you insight into the man as an author, teacher, family man, and so much more. Edited by his brother, the collection really gives you a look at the man behind the stories. If you’re any kind of Asimov fan, you have to pick this book up.

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Marionettes on the Moon, and other stories

As I continue my transformation to a self-published author, I’ve now republished one of my first short story collections, Marionettes on the Moon, and other stories. I’ve included the original 13 stories in the collection, with a few changes, but I’ve added two more stories to the collection. You also get “It’s in the Water” from the Divided States of America series and “Mission Unknown” from my Solar Federation series, both of which certainly qualify for the theme of this collection…

The Back Cover Blurb: Do Humans control their destiny, or are they merely victims of the circumstances that surround them?

A collection of short stories from prize winning SF author J Alan Erwine examines whether we have freedom of choice, or are merely puppets on strings subject to the whims of the universe.

This newly reworked version of Marionettes on the Moon features the original 13 short stories, plus two recent releases.

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A Taste of the Madness Vol. 3

The third volume is here!
A collection of six previously published short stories, that are available only for a limited time. Travel to distant planets and travel to different mad visions that prize-winning sf author J Alan Erwine has come up with, but beware, you can never be sure where his weird mind might take you.
Again, this collection is only available for a very limited time…and it’s free for Kindle Unlimited members.

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The Rocks on the Other Side Book of Beasts

The core rulebook for the Rocks on the Other Side RPG introduced you to a few beasts that you could use in your game. The Rocks on the Other Side Book of Beasts gives you nearly 70 beasts that you can use in your game.

Included in this book are the beasts from the original rules, plus many many more. You now have all kinds of mutated animals, plants, and monsters that you can challenge your players with.

Sentient molds, undead, giant cockroaches, mutated ants, twisted trees, intellifungus…these are just some of the challenges for your players. Open the book, and find all kinds of ways to terrify their characters.

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One More Good Trade is the Deal of the Day

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

For the next 24 hours, you can download One More Good Trade from DriveThruFiction for 50% off. That means you can get the book for just $1.50, and this is a book that you can read over and over again because you can choose different paths for your character each time you read it! Download it today at

Your name is Anthony Jones. You’re a Human free Trader. Your ship is called The Longest Night, and you have two crewmates, Tora-no, a four-armed Althani Soldier and Creeoona, a Tulmath Cyber Wizard. Three adventures lie open to you, which one will you pick, and what will happen along the way? You get to decide what happens in this story, as you pick your way through various plot twists.

Divided States of America sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

Is America doomed? Will we eventually fall into a group of individual nations, instead of being one united nation? This is the idea behind the Divided States of America. Created by longtime Nomadic Delirium Press editor J Alan Erwine, many different writers have decided to play in this “universe,” and now, for a limited time, those stories are available from DriveThruFiction at 33% off. Head to and you can start downloading individual titles or the first collection.

Can America be saved?

Future Syndicate II is the Deal of the Day

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

Today is your chance to download Future Syndicate II for just $1.50 at

Many would like to think that as our species evolves, crime will disappear, but most know this is not true. Crime has always been with us, and it always will. Future Syndicate II features stories told from the point of view of the criminals, sometimes bad people, sometimes people forced to make bad decisions, but always, in the eyes of society, criminals.